Day #7 What About Supplements?

Welcome to Day #7!

Today we’ll switch gears further from thoughts and beliefs to
something else concrete–supplementation, particularly
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and Omega 3 fatty acids, all
of which are key for optimal health.

But first, why supplement?

Don’t we get enough from our food?

Well, how well do you eat?

Be honest with yourself.

Do you get plenty of color, plenty of raw, organic fruits and
vegetables and raw, whole, or unprocessed food throughout the

Most people don’t, and for those of you that do, how’s your
health and how do you feel?

In this day and age, with the multiple environmental and social
stresses on us we often need something extra to keep us healthy,
even when we’re eating well, and to support us when we’re not.

For many people, their bodies are like checking accounts for
which they’re writing more checks than deposits every month.

For awhile, they get away with this until the reserves are
used up and checks start to bounce.

This is when you notice you’re stiff the day after playing ball,
or your knees are starting to ache, or your eyes don’t see as
well–things we normally attribute to aging and assume we just
have to live with.

But what if you could start depositing more than you’re taking

What if you could start giving your body concentrations of high
quality nutrients that your body could use as raw ingredients
to function better and heal itself?

This is what quality supplementation provides–a concentrated
extract of desired nutrients.

A simple example of this is juicing raw fruits and vegetables
to extract and concentrate the nutritious juices.

A further step is to take a quality vitamin and mineral supplement,
antioxidants, and Omega 3 fatty acids, and a third step is to take
a “superfood” product.

With healthy boosting of essential nutrients, I have seen many
people suffering from “age-related” ailments actually


and in many cases, decrease or wean off their medications

Now you may be asking,

“How do I choose a quality supplement or superfood?”

Well, here’s a quick tip–find out what’s actually made a
difference for someone else.

That’s a great place to start.

Or reach out to me for a guide to what I personally use and recommend.

Now here’s a heart-to-heart question for you.

Have you taken one or more steps you learned in the past 7 days?

Or just read the lessons?

If you want to see real change in your health and how you feel,
take a step.

You can take one right now by “anchoring” a thought or step
you intend to take today by writing it in the comments below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  This completes your 7 day series.  You can continue to watch for Dr. Ben’s Health Insights in your email.  Be sure to leave your comments and questions below–what was most helpful?  What do you still have questions about?

What “spoke” to you the most from today’s lesson “What about Supplements?”

Are you intrigued by the concept of “reverse-aging” and getting off medications naturally?

Let me know your own experiences, comments, or questions below, and be sure to “anchor” the first step(s) you intend to take as a result of this course!

Copyright 2008-2024 Ben Lo, MD

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

3 thoughts on “Day #7 What About Supplements?”

  1. I have been guilty of not taking supplements in the past and realize after a month of taking supplements a huge difference in not only my physical being but also the sharpness of my thinking. I am not so exhausted that thinking is impaired. My husband is also noticing more energy and has better moods because he feels better. We are on our journey to better health and little medicine.

  2. Wonderful–and yes, many people don’t realize what a difference boosting their nutrients in a quality, natural way can make. Glad you and your husband are allowing yourselves to experience the benefits for you here!

  3. Just curious as to what supplement brands you have studied and/or recommend. I have been taking Dr. Shulze’s Superfoods, off and on for 4 yrs. Recently, Garden of Life has come out with their Vitamin Code. Have you any experience with it yet or is it hype? Also, what do you recommend for toddlers? Thanks in advance…

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